About Ravelution Yarn
Ravelution Yarn was born in the fall of 2021 and grew out of an obsession with vibrant colour and a fascination for all things fibre. My love affair with hand dyed yarn started almost a decade ago but it wasn't until a dear friend sent me a news article about a woman who started dyeing fibre in her house that I even considered doing it myself. From the moment I dyed my first skein, I was hooked and felt like I had finally found my passion, my art, my ikigai...I was home.

About Me
Hi! My name is Mélanie and I'm the face behind Ravelution Yarn. Besides being an indie dyer, I'm a mother of two, a wife of one, a daughter, a sister, and a friend to hopefully many. I love knitting, sewing, painting, camping, my two calicos, my collection of plants, and especially anything fibre related. I'm so honoured to be a part of the wider fibre community and appreciative of each and every like, comment, and follow. Thank you for your ongoing support and I look forward to sharing my fibre journey with all of you!
India & Penny
Meet India and Penny, my two calicos. India (left) is a fiesty 16 yr old lady, who loves people but dislikes other furry friends. She's my shadow and always wants to be on the yarn, regardless if that's convenient for me or not.
Penny (right) is our newest adoptee who came to us January 2023. She is large but not so in charge. Penny is passive, a little standoffish, and has a wicked appetite which we try to keep in check. Fun fact, she's polydactyl, meaning she has 2 more fingers on each of her paws, even the back ones which is apparently quite rare. She hates to get her claws trimmed, so it's extra fun trying to trim 8 more!